
Salisbury Road Primary

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Littlel Riddlers 2020

'Earlier this year our Foundation children entered the 'My First Riddle' competition. As part of our animals topic each child wrote a short riddle about their favourite animal. We then shared our riddles with other children to see if they could guess which animal our riddle was about and sent them off to the judges.

We are proud to say that the judges were so impressed with our riddles that all of the work entered from our school has been selected for publication in 'My First Riddle 2020 - A pocketful of rhyme' (to be published on 31st August 2020). Each child has also won a certificate and a bookmark to celebrate their hard work and achievement.

We are so proud of our Foundation children and hope that this is just the beginning of a life-long love of reading and writing. Well done Foundation!'
(You can order the books online and spread the cost of £15.99 over a few weeks interest free)…/wwwyoungwriterscoukcompeti…


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