As explained in the rationale, each year group has taken the White Rose Schemes of Learning and mapped them out over the year, so each maths topic is ‘spaced’ meaning the children visit topics more frequently. Here is an example of the Medium Term Plan for the autumn for year 3.
Salisbury Road Primary has subscribed to NumBots for all children, however, it is primarily for children in Foundation Stage, Years 1 and 2. All children have an individual login, which they can use to help learn number bonds and addition and subtraction facts in school and at home. Please encourage your child to login as much as possible.
Times Table Rockstars
Salisbury Road Primary has subscribed to Times Table Rockstars for children in Years 2 - 6. All children have an individual login, which they can use to help learn their times tables in school and at home. Please encourage your child to login as much as possible.
Our Inspirational Person - Mary Jackson
Mary Jackson was born on 9th April 1921 in Hampton, Virginia. She graduated high school (secondary school) with the highest grades. She then went on to university and studied two degrees – Mathematics and Science! Mary Jackson went on to be a Science teacher to inspire others to work in Science. Mary Jackson was an American mathematician and engineer. She became the first African-American female engineer at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Jackson was also known for her volunteer work at NASA and in her community.