Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 at Salisbury Road
Our history lessons this term will aim to answer the big question, “How did life change for people around the world under Adolf Hitler's leadership?”
Year 6 Team
These are our Values at Salisbury Road
Underpinning all of our learning and time together are our school values. They are also linked to our Dojo rewards. Will will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily.
Aspiration is our current termly value.
At Salisbury Road, we believe that reading as a priority, so we ensure that we read at every opportunity. This term, we will be reading I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai.
Our reading sessions will contain questions which will prepare children for their SATs and focusing on VIPER skills to hone our skills.
Reading at home is so important for many reasons and we ask that you read regularly (minimum 4 times a week) at home. Prizes are up for grabs at the end of the term for those that do this! Remember, the more often you read, the sooner you get to quiz on AR and move up those levels!
As Writers , we will continue to build on the skills we learnt in the Autumn term. We will deepen our understanding of more complex grammar skills and how we can manipulate these within our writing. Across year 6, we will be focusing on improving our handwriting and the presentation of our writing. We have a range of writing opportunities to look forward to. This half term we will be using our class story I am Malala, to help us with our learning. We will start to think about how to write texts which are clear and contain high level vocabulary and grammar skills. The text types we will be writing are a poetry unit, a persuasive speech and a story.
As Mathematicians, we will be taking a more in-depth look at the reasoning behind certain maths skills. We will also be focusing on applying a test technique to answer reasoning questions. We will continue to revise calculation methods through our morning flashbacks and weekly calculation sessions.
As Scientists, we will explore light. We will learn about the direction that light travels in and how the reflection of light allows us to see. We will also learn about shadows and why they are the same shape as the object. Alongside this, we will also consider impairments to sight and what resources can be used to support these.
As Geographers, we will explore the topic of ‘On the Move’. We will look at the human geography of migration and how we can see this within our own communities. We will also be exploring a range of case studies including: voluntary international migration from Poland to the UK and a range of forced migration examples including: forced international migration from Syria or Ukraine. We will then consider all types of migration and different examples of each.
In PSHE, we will learn about our dreams and goals and the steps we can take to achieve these.
PE kits will need to be in school each week. PE will be on a Friday for 6SH and 6GL.
As Athletes, we will use team work and coordination skills to take part in a range of indoor athletics sports. We will look at improving our throwing and catching skills. We will also explore different movement styles such as: jumping, sprinting, jogging and walking. We will do this through a variety of team games.
As Computerists, we will be exploring coding, in which we will create our own games.
In RE, we will explore, “In what diverse ways do Hindus build a sense of community?’
Design Technology
As Designers, we will evaluate existing Frame structures, before designing, creating and evaluating our own. We will focus on Gustave Eiffel as our inspirational designer.
As Artists, we will look closely at the works of Wilfred Stanley Haines, an artist who created war-inspired art work. We will look at what the main features of his work are and then aim to create our own pieces of art inspired by Wilfred Stanley Haines.
Other Information
Children are expected to go on to TT Rockstars 4 times a week at home for around 10 minutes or complete a times tables sheet if they are unable to access TT Rockstars at home. They are also expected to read 4 times a week at home. Additionally, they are expected to continually revise and practise their spellings from the year 5/6 spelling list that has been given out.
A year 5/6 spelling list has been given out to each child for the term. They are then tested on a selection of these weekly.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us via Dojo or email. Thanks for your co-operation.