Remote Learning
At Salisbury Road, our remote learning provision is based on the same curriculum as we teach in school. Thus ensuring, as far as we can, that pupils learning remotely will not be at an academic disadvantage to those who are accessing ‘in school’ provision.
As a school we use Microsoft Teams and Class Dojo to deliver our curriculum. We are able to use a variety of approaches with live lessons, recorded lessons, and different educational platforms to deliver learning, should we need to.
At this time, school is fully open and has not moved to remote learning. However, should your child be required to self isolate for any reason, learning will be provided in line with our remote learning policy through this website and/or Microsoft Teams.
We have a limited number of laptops allocated to us by the DfE for the purposes of remote learning which we are able to make available if required. Additionally, if you require any assistance with access to devices, Wi-Fi or any technological issues please contact the school office and someone will help you. In addition, please contact the school or class teacher for passwords and logons for our different services if you are unsure.
Any families who are unable, or choose not to access digitally can apply to the school for a printed learning pack.