
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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                             Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary School


Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary’s website. We hope you enjoy browsing through the following pages and finding out a little bit more about life at our school.


Salisbury Road is one of eighteen schools that form the Learning Academies Trust. Our partnership is embedded by clear values and working collaboratively with other local schools brings a wealth of experience and expertise to enhance our curriculum provision. 


Salisbury Road is a warm and friendly school that promotes a set of values and a vision for all of its children which we hope will enhance and inspire the lives of not only the children who attend our school but their families and the wider community.


We would like all our children, irrespective of background or special need, to be prepared for success in their future lives. We will achieve this by nurturing and developing their achievement, their experiences and their skills and we will provide the skills and knowledge needed to promote growth mindsets and build resilience in our children. We recognise the vital part parents play in their children’s learning and are committed to developing partnerships with parents. 


We welcome visitors to the school and recommend that you experience the distinctive character and ethos of the school for yourself. Make an appointment to visit by calling the school office on 01752 660566 or by emailing Also, please feel free to contact us should you have any further questions. 


If you would like paper copies of any of our documentation, please call in at the school office.


Ciara Moran– Executive Headteacher


Tel: 01752 660566



Email the office:

School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 7 4 8 0 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
