
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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What is the PTFA?

PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association and is made up of parents, teachers, friends and carers of children at the school.


Why is the PTFA so important?

The school budget pays for a lot but does not allow for the additional extra things the school may need. The PTFA help pay for those extra resources, which will add great value and fun to your child’s education.


What does the PTFA do?

Our primary aim is to raise funds for the benefit of all pupils. Money raised pays for things like subsidised school trips, day excursions, story tellers and new equipment requested for both lessons and playtime use. 

The PTFA organise events such as School Fairsschool discosice cream and cake sales,the year 6 leavers BBQ and party, competitions and more...


How can you help?

By attending the PTFA meetings you will be helping organising fund raising events which will make a real contribution to the school and to your child’s education.


You can help us by:

Attend meetings

Let us know your ideas via e-mail or letter or via the school office

Volunteer to help at forthcoming events - drop us a line with your details and how to contact you!


When are the meetings?

The meetings are held approximately once a month on a Tuesday after school. We meet at 3.30pm in the spare Year 2 classroom on the ground floor. Children are welcome to come along too. The meetings usually lasts about 30-40 minutes depending on the agenda. 


What do the meetings involve?

The meetings are very informal - all you have to do is turn up! At the meetings we discuss new ideas and plan and organise the forthcoming events. 

We are always looking for new members and volunteers. The more helpers there are, the less of a commitment it becomes and the easier it gets to organise and run the events!


A bit about the committee

The PTFA committee is formed by a smaller group of parents and teachers. Having a committee allows the PTFA share the responsibilities involved. The committee has a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and these are elected once a year in February, at our Annual General Meeting (AGM). 


Who is who in the committee

Chair Person - Jo Lewis

Vice Chair - Jenny Allan 

Treasurer - Andrea Buckley

Secretary -  Jenny Allan/Emma Benton 



Please contact us for further information at

We would love to hear from you!


School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 3 3 6 6 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
