
Salisbury Road Primary

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Dartmoor Junior Five Tors Challenge

The Dartmoor Junior Five Tors Challenge


The Junior Five Tors Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for our Y5 and Y6 pupils to spend a day out on Dartmoor.  During this time, they navigated across some very challenging terrain.  To complete the challenge, they needed to climb up to the top of five different tors.  We could not have wished for better weather.   We started by leaving Princetown and heading out to South Hessary Tor.  We then double backed and went across the open moor to Hart Tor. This path was very challenging to navigate and had a few little bogs to avoid, however the children all displayed fabulous courage.  After Hart Tor we headed off towards Black Tor. On the way we met some rather nice cows and had to cross a little metal bridge.   After Black Tor we stopped for a nice lunch and then moved on up to Sharpitor.  This was probably the most challenging climb for our children, but they showed aspiration to get to the peak.  We saw some great unity during this climb with everyone encouraging each other.  The last stop was Peak Hill.  We were rewarded with fabulous views over Burrator which capped off a truly memorable day.


We would like to thank the staff and volunteers who made this possible. 


Dartmoor National Park Website

Dartmoor Junior Five Tors Challenge

School Motto / Visitor Count

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