
Salisbury Road Primary

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E-Safety for Parents/Carers



At Salisbury Road Primary, we take the e-Safety of our young people very seriously and aim to deliver a high quality curriculum which will equip them with the skills and the integrity needed to stay safe online in the modern world. If you have any questions or require any further support please see your child's class teacher, our computing lead (Mr Williams)  or any of the safeguarding team.

Our e-safety team are also on hand to support and answer any questions or concerns that you may have. They can be contacted via the school office. 


The internet can be a fantastic place for children, providing them with exciting opportunities. Talking about the positives of going online, keeping the conversations broad and valuing your child’s opinion shows that you are interested in all aspects of their online world. Remain open-minded, and remember children use the internet differently to adults. To be dismissive of online apps, games or trends may put off your child from continuing any conversations. Encouraging your child to discuss what they enjoy about going online can be a helpful bridge to talking about safety messages and more difficult issues in the future




CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) is a part of the Police Service which helps children stay safe online. If you feel uncomfortable or know someone who has also been made to feel uncomfortable when using the internet, you can report it to CEOP. 



Childnet has three resources that offer practical tips and advice on different aspects of keeping your child safe online. 


A parent and carer Online Toolkit (Childnet) is now available and can be found by clicking on the link below. Childnet have updated their parent and carer toolkit that will help parents have conversations about online safety. Their booklet 'Let's talk about life online' includes ten key messages that should be shared with children:


1. "You can always come to me if you need help."

2. "What would you do if this happened…?"

3. "Remember that not everyone is who they say they are online."

4. "Keep your personal information safe, and other people’s too."

5. "Be respectful to others online."

6. "Think before you post."

7. "Remember to ask if it’s okay."

8. "Remember not everything is true online."

9. "The things other people post online might not always show what their life is really like."

10. "Recognise how going online makes you feel and take a break when you need to."


The Parent and Carer Toolkit can be found here:


Report An Incident

If you would like to report an e-safety incident, please follow the link below to the Whisper button. If your child has a concern they can also report it via the whisper button too.  All reports are confidential and will be handled with care.


Please click on the links below for further information to support your child online. 


Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families




 UK Safer Internet Centre


Teaching Your Child about Internet & Online Safety | NSPCC


Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre


SWGfL - Safety & Security Online


Digital Parenting | Vodafone


Keeping your under 5 safe online (


How to Keep Children Safe Online | Mumsnet


Gaming: what parents and carers need to know (


Sharing pictures of your children (


Social Media Checklists | SWGfL






Gaming has changed a lot over the last few years with most games now being played online.  Many games and apps are free to purchase but have in-app microtransactions and hidden costs to enhance the gaming experience. For example, many free games come with different character designs or "skins" that can be easily purchased through the game. This can easily add up if you have not set your parental controls with a password. 


Tiktok - A parent's guide to Tiktok


WhatsApp Advice - Helpful advice on WhatsApp.  


Buying Games and Consoles for Children - What will you use it for? Who is going to use it? A great guide to buying consoles and smart devices. 


Gaming Online - For most children gaming is a fun way to spend time with friends.  In this article they look at the risks and how to help your children stay safe online.


Playstation Safety - This page shows you how to set up family accounts to help create times and spending limits. 


Xbox - Set spending and time limits on the Xbox. 


Fortnite - Parental control guide and information. 


Loot Boxes - What parent/carers need to know about Loot Boxes. 


PEGI - What do the labels on games mean? Age ratings explained.

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