What is the role of the Local Governing Body?
We are now known as the Local Governing Body. We are currently a team of nine individuals who each have a range of skills and represent staff, parents and the wider community. Helen Parry is the Chair of Governors; Clerk to the governing body is Nick Rich.
Executive Head Teacher
Ciara Moran - ciara.moran@learningat.uk
The community/Co-opted Governors are:
Helen Parry - helen.parry@salisburyroad.co.uk
Rachel Preece
Donna Briggs
Mel O’Leary
Staff representatives are:
Lisa Vasilionka
Hannah Minty
Your parent representatives are:
Ruth Granville-West
Chris Dutton
Clerk to Governors
Nick Rich
What is the role of the Local Governing Body?
The role of the Local Governing Body is to secure school improvement through effective and accountable governance, challenge and support.
The Local Governing Body monitors our key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Head Teacher and the senior leadership team, providing challenge and support where appropriate. Our role is to facilitate school improvement at a local level.
A Local Governing Body has a strategic role in the development of the school but does not become involved in day-to-day management issues – that is the role of the Head Teacher.
The role can be varied and involve recruitment of staff, meeting external stakeholders, working with other schools and ultimately ensuring children in our setting are given the support they need to achieve their full potential.
To be a local governor you need to:
- Attend a range of training
- Attend 6 meetings per year
- Complete a minimum of 3 school visits per year
- Be enthusiastic
- Maintain confidentiality
- Ask challenging questions
- Be curious.
The local Governors at Salisbury Road Primary are, united in their commitment to making a positive contribution to your child's education.
You can contact us by email; governors@salisburyroad.co.uk