
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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Contact Details

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Useful Contacts and Websites

SEND Guide for Parents

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services


Is your child or the child you are caring for experiencing anxiety, worry or stress?
Are they experiencing psychological or emotional distress?
Do you need to talk to someone who can offer support and advice?

This service is open to Children, Young People, Parents, Carers and Professionals

The Urgent Mental Health Support Telephone line is open now 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 01752 435122 for advice and support.


The Samaritans 

Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. They are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Samaritans number is 116 123 - they can support if you are feeling depressed, extremely anxious and have no where a else to turn.


MIND Can offer mental health support and can be contacted on tel:0300-123-3393

Shelter is offering support via their web  page: and can help with serious housing problems, (use this if you are due to be evicted or are struggling with rent  during this difficult time and when all other avenues have been exhausted with your landlord). 


Finally, don't forget that there are people in school, during normal school hours, who would always try to help or signpost to someone who could: 01752 660566

Useful Websites

Children's Speech and Language

Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND

British Dyslexia Association

Tourettes Action 

Network Autism

Advice on bedwetting 

Jeremiahs Journey

Friends and Family of Special Children

Bibic Changing Lives 



Family Additional Needs Support (F.A.N.S) is a non-profit organisation in Plymouth that supports families with children with additional needs either diagnosed or still going through the process. We hold coffee mornings every Monday 9.30-11.30am and also hold additional needs activity evenings every Wednesday 6-8pm. These are both held at Stoke Youth and Community Centre,
Masterman Road, Stoke, Plymouth, PL2 1BJ.
Find us on Facebook by searching F.A.N.S.
Contact Kerry McMannus on 07599 996389

Contact: Tessa (Chair): 07727674730 or Denise (Secretary): 07850426729



Sibs Sibs is a UK charity representing the needs of siblings of children with disabilitiy.

Contact: Tessa (Chair): 07727674730 or Denise (Secretary): 07850426729

School Motto / Visitor Count

1 9 9 7 0 0 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
