
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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Meet the Governors

Here are the members of our Local Governing Body.  If you would like to know more about becoming a Governor, please contact the school office on 01752 660566 or if you wish to contact the Governors by email, their address is,


Chair of Governors Dr Parry - Maths, Chair of LAB.

I was elected as a parent governor in 2014 in November and have been Chair since July 2018. I am a research scientist and hope to use my analytical skills to optimise resources. I also aim to develop links between the curriculum and local employers to enrich the experience of children at school. 


Executive Headteacher Mrs Moran 

I have been Headteacher at Woodfield Primary School since 2011. Prior to that,  I was a School Improvement Consultant for Plymouth Local Authority, supporting schools in difficulty, working with both Senior and Middle Leadership Teams across the city.  I have been designated as an LLE, working with the PTSA School to School support team. In this role I have successfully supported colleagues in schools, which has in turn led to tangible improved outcomes for children.  I became the Executive Headteacher of Salisbury Road Primary in January 2017. I am committed to improving the education and life chances of pupils in Plymouth, and recognise the opportunities and richness that collaboration can bring.

Staff Governor - Mrs Burke 

Elected as a staff governor in September 2023.

My Name is Mrs Burke and I am the Early Years Lead at Salisbury Road Primary School. I have worked here for 12 years and I am committed to supporting our great school to grow and develop. I adore working n the Early Years and I am very passionate about our outstanding' Early Years environment. As a governor, I will ensure that the 'teacher voice' is heard and ensure that the children are at the heart of everything we do at Salisbury Road.

Parent Governor - Mrs Granville-West

Elected as a parent governor in July 2018.

I am a mum of three children, 1 who currently attends Salisbury Road Primary and 2 older children who attended but are now at secondary school.   I have a background in Primary School teaching. I believe that the staff at Salisbury Road Primary work extremely hard to ensure the children's learning and welfare are the best they can be and are always open to improvement. I am keen to work with and assist the staff at Salisbury Road Primary in maintaining this continual improvement.

Parent Governor - Miss Cheney- Safeguarding 

Elected d as a parent governor in January 2023

My name is Rachel Cheney and I joined as a parent Governor in January 2034. I have 2 children in the school and am a primary school teacher and SENDCO with more years experience that I would like to admit! I am excited to be part of the school community and hope to bring some of the things I have learnt to support Salisbury Road Primary in their journey forward. 


Mel O’Leary ~ English 

Elected as a coopted governor in November 2022.

I am an Early Years Advisory Teacher working for the Local Authority to support schools, early years settings and childminders in Plymouth. I started my career as a primary school teacher and have worked across the age ranges.  My passion and expertise is in Early Years. I love the excitement of watching young children discover things, often for the first time. I have a particular interest in the development of early communication, language and literacy and endeavour to promote these crucial life skills through play and playful teaching.

Staff Governor -  Mrs Rich 

Elected as a staff governor in October 2021.

I'm Laura Rich and have worked as a teacher at Salisbury Road for a number of years.  More recently I've been working as a Reading Recovery Teacher which has provided me with some new challenges and many rewards in supporting the children make accelerated progress.  I am looking forward to my new role as a staff governor; seeing the school from a different perspective and helping to make decisions that will continue to improve and benefit the children at our fantastic school! 


Clerk to the Local Governing Body - Nick Rich



Terms of Office and Responsibility September 2022 - August 2023

Terms of Office and Responsibility September 2021 - August 2022

School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 6 4 5 0 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
