Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Spring Term 2024/2025
Welcome back to the spring term and we hope you had a lovely Christmas break. Below is a picture of the team that will be working with the children in Year 3. We are excited to welcome our newest team member, Mrs Bishop, who will be working with individual children in Year 3. If ever you need to ask anything, please feel free to message us on Class Dojo or speak with the adult on the door who will pass on any messages. We will post regular updates and messages to keep you up to date. We are looking forward to a fantastic term of learning.
Our class novel will be chosen from a selection of a range of genres via a class vote.
Our main topic this half term is history based and we will be learning all about Ancient Egypt. In Science, we will be exploring the importance of diet and nutrition. We look forward to helping every one of the children achieve their full potential and ensuring they have a fun-filled journey along the way! If you have any questions or if you or your child requires support, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Year 3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants are all looking forward to welcoming you back and supporting you:
This term,
- Mrs Bloodworth will teach in 3KB
- Miss Glover will be teaching 3AG
- Miss Matthews will be teaching some limited subjects to both classes on a half-day session.
- Mrs Bishop will be working with individual pupils in Year 3.
- Our Year 3 Teaching Assistant this term is Mrs Lewis.
Underpinning all of our learning and time together are our school values. They are also linked to our Class Dojo rewards. We will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily.
Our key questions are:
What do I want to achieve?
How can I work with others to achieve my goals?
As Writers, we will develop our writing skills, through a range of genres including writing playscripts and Persuasive texts. We will develop our use of descriptive vocabulary and we will also be focussing on our spelling, punctuation and grammar in our weekly SPAG lessons.
We will work on sentence structure and vocabulary not only in English, but throughout all lessons, and develop a range of new writing techniques. We will at all times, focus on handwriting and presentation.
Reading is a priority at Salisbury Road, therefore we will be practising our reading skills 4x a week using VIPERS to help us. In the classroom, we will use a mixture of choral, echo and partner reading, this will enable us to become confident, fluent readers.
Please remember to read at home four times a week to an adult. It is also really important that you record your reading in your reading record so your teacher can see how much you are reading at home. If you have read four times in a week, you will earn a raffle ticket for the reading raffle and have the chance to win a brand new book!
We will visit the central library.
As Mathematicians, we will improve our understanding of fractions, time and multiplication and division.
We will develop our arithmetic skills and the children will complete regular homework tasks with a focus on arithmetic and times tables.
We will learn the multiplication and division facts for all times tables to x12, with pupils working on their individual targets. As well as this, we will be learning to count from 0 in multiples of 50 and 100 and making numbers within 1000.
As Scientists we will be learning about human diet and nutrition. The children will explore compare the diets of different types of animals and will consider the effects of diet on growth and physical health. The children will learn about the human skeleton and how this compares with animal skeletons.
We will find out about the hoe major organs in the human body function and the importance of taking care of ourselves.
Geography and History
As Historians, we will be learning about Ancient Egypt, exploring the concepts of Empire and civilization. We will explore how Ancient Egyptians lived, were ruled and we will find out about their beliefs and customs.
As geographers, we will find out about the layers of the Earth and how volcanoes are formed. We will explore destructive and constructive boundaries and compare volcanoes that are active, dormant and extinct. Will learn about volcanoes that continue to be active today.
As Computer Programmers, we will learn how to use technology responsibly and identify a range of ways to report concerns about contact that makes us feel unsafe. We will also be learning to send and receive emails safely.
As Musicians we will practise our singing skills and consider how to evaluate pieces of music using the scheme ‘Charanga’. We will be listening to songs and learning to play instruments with confidence, expression and control.
Through weekly indoor and outdoor sessions, this term we will be developing the skills of agility, balance and co-ordination.
We will be developing our ability to move in different ways including leaping and jumping and using simple equipment we will focus on our accuracy when throwing and catching. Promoting teamwork, we will play simple team games and always encourage good sportsmanship.
As Linguists, we will be learning Spanish. The topics we will cover are Colours, Word classes and word order in constructing sentences and instructions. We will also explore learning and retelling a traditional story in Spanish. Spanish.
As Philosophers, we will be developing our speaking and listening skills while considering our own views and the views of others.
In PHSE, we will be thinking about our aspirations, dreams and goals. We will set realistic, achievable goals for the term ahead an will explore the skills we will need to develop in order to reach our goals. We will understand the importance of determination and perseverance and will consider who can help us and how we can help ourselves in times of challenge.
In RE, we will be asking the question— 'What is the Holy Trinity and what does it mean for Christians?' We will be exploring how people of all religious and non-religious beliefs make moral decisions.
ART and DT
As Artists and Designers, we will be learning about drawing and painting techniques, while also experimenting with the prehistoric art of the Stone Age. Later in the term, we will be designing our own Stone Age tools.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday ready for a test on the following Monday. These words will be linked to the Year 3 spelling patterns in our Read Write Inc. daily spelling lessons as well as the year 3/4 NC required word lists. We will have a focus on recapping previous spellings and spellings from year 2 to help close gaps. Links for spellings can be found in the website links part of the page
We are trying really hard this year to learn our times tables. We have a daily session where we practice. To support our learning of these tables in school, we would love you to have fun using TTRS at home; the children love it in school! The children have all been given their individual login.
Please don't forget to keep practising your times tables - these are VERY important!
Challenge yourself to beat your classmates on TTRS.
Homework is set on a Tuesday to be returned on the following Monday. This maybe through teams, paper copies or a project. Children should also continue to use TTRS to help with learning their times table, practise their spellings and read as often as possible.