
Salisbury Road Primary

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Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Summer Term 2024  

Welcome back Year 3. We are all really excited to be working with your children this term. Below is a picture of the team that will be working with the children in Year 3. If you need any help, or have any questions please message us on class dojo and we will get back to you as it can be very busy at the end of the day. We will also post regular messages and updates on dojo so do keep checking. Our main topic this term will be earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains. The children will consider the impact of living in areas prone to natural disasters or mountains. The children will be listening to the story called ' The Danger Gang' by Tom Fletcher and will take a trip to central library to learn about our topic.  





The Year 3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants are all looking  forward to welcoming you back and supporting you:


This term, 

  • Mrs Bloodworth will teach in 3KB 
  • Miss Vasilionka will be teaching 3LV on a Monday ,Thursday and Friday 
  • Mr Jarvie will work in 3LV on a Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Our Year 3 Teaching Assistants this term are  Mrs Whitehead , Mrs Gordon, Miss Phippen and Miss James will also work in Year 3 for parts of the week. 



Underpinning all of our learning and time together are our school values. They are also linked to our Class Dojo rewards. We will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily.





Our key questions are:

What does belonging mean to me?

What can I do to make others feel like they belong?




As Writers, we will first be learning how to write recounts and using our previous trips as a hook for fantastic writing. We will then be learning how to write a science fiction text and will spend time in our reading lessons unpicking how these stories are  constructed. In our writing sessions we will be aiming to use high level vocabulary. The children will continue to focus on  constructing a variety of  sentences,. We will continue to focus on learning how to use effective conjunctions to make our sentences interesting. We will be focus on using  punctuation accurately, ensuring we understand how to use full stops and commas correctly.





Reading is a priority at Salisbury Road, therefore we will be practising our reading skills 4x a week using VIPERS to help us. In the classroom, we will use a mixture of choral, echo and partner reading, this will enable us to become confident, fluent readers.


Please remember to read at home four times a week to an adult. It is also really important that you record your reading in your reading record so your teacher can see how much you are reading at home. If you have read four times in a week, you will earn a raffle ticket for the reading raffle and have the chance to win a brand new book!


We will visit the central library. 





As Mathematicians, we will be learning about measure. We will learn how to measure using a variety of measurements including kg, g, mm and cm. We will then move onto learning how to tell the time. Throughout the term, will be focusing on  calculations, fractions and times tables.  We will be having a big focus on times table recall this term to allow the children to have a secure understanding to help them with mathematical concepts that require the children to use their times tables.





As Scientists we will be learning about rocks and soils. The children will explore the different types of rocks and how they are formed. The children will learn about fossils and explore how natural geography plays a key part in how rocks are formed.

In summer 2  our learning will be about light . We will be learning about shadows, light and dark and  conducting a variety of experiments. We will also consider sun safety.




As Geographers we will be learning about the world that we live in. We will be comparing the United Kingdom to Italy and will learn how to locate places using a map. The children will also  learn about volcanos, mountains and earthquakes, studying how they are formed and why they happen. Will will also study and consider our thoughts on whether the geographical layout of an area affects how dangerous it is to live there. 





As Computer Programmers, we will learn ways of communicating safely online. Children will create book trailers.




As Musicians we  will practise our singing skills and consider how to evaluate pieces of music using the scheme ‘Charanga’ In summer two we will also start to learn the glockenspiel and begin to read music and try to compose our own pieces. 





As Athletes  and Gymnasts we will take part in athletic activities. They will be taking part in team sports, learning how to throw and catch accurately. We will have a focus on indoor athletics as well as outdoor ready for sports day.





As Linguists we will learn about rhyming words and will learn how to name an identify  objects. They will learn how to name single objects and join in with familiar songs.





As Philosophers we  will be learning about friendships and family roles. We will move onto learning how to be a good global citizen.  Within our RE lessons, we will learn about Jesus and the type of world he wanted to live in.



ART and DT

As Artists we will study David Hockney and reproduce his artwork linked to photo montages. Children will have an opportunity to take photos and create their own pieces. As designers we will learn to sew and produce pouch to hold special items. In our DT lessons we will learn about the designer Ann Lowe and learn sewing and joining techniques to help us create a pouch or mini bag for household items or money. 



Spellings will be given out on a Monday ready for a test on the following Monday. These words will be linked to the Year 3 spelling patterns in our Read Write Inc. daily spelling lessons as well as the year 3/4 NC required word lists. We will have a focus on recapping previous spellings and spellings from year 2 to help close gaps. Links for spellings can be found in the website links part of the page 



We are trying really hard this year to learn our times tables. We have a daily session where we practice. To support our learning of these tables in school, we would love you to have fun using TTRS at home; the children love it in school! The children have all been given their individual login. 

Please don't forget to keep practising your times tables - these are VERY important!

Challenge yourself to beat your classmates on TTRS.



Homework is set on a Tuesday to be returned on the following Monday. This maybe through teams, paper copies or a project. Children should also continue to use TTRS to help with  learning their times table, practise their spellings and read as often as possible.

School Motto / Visitor Count

1 9 9 7 1 9 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
