Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025
Welcome to the Spring Term in Year 2!
Welcome back
Over the next term we will learn about lots of new topics.
In year 2, learning will lead on from what was learnt in Year 1 and Foundation.
The teachers and teaching assistants in Year 2 are very excited about all the learning we will be doing this year.
If ever you have any questions, please make sure you speak to one of the team or send a message on dojo as we have limited time to talk at the start of the day before register.
The Year 2 Teachers and Teaching Assistants are:
- Miss Vasilonka will be teaching 2LV.
- Mrs Rich will be teaching 2RS on Mondays and Tuesdays.
- Miss Simpson will be teaching 2RS on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
- Miss Matthews will be teaching 2LV for two afternoons each week.
- Our Year 2 Teaching Assistant is Mrs Foster who will work with both Year 2 classes across the week.
- We also have Miss Ruhee working in Year 2LV who is training to be a teacher. She is incredibly good and the children love working with her.
Underpinning all of our learning and time together is our school values. They are also linked to our Class Dojo rewards. We will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily.
Our key questions are:
What do I want to achieve?
How can I work with others to achieve my goal?
Reading is a priority at Salisbury Road, therefore we will be practising our reading skills 5x a week using VIPERS to help us. In the classroom, we will use a mixture of choral, echo and partner reading, this will enable us to become confident, fluent readers. Those children working on their phonics learning will also have phonics lesson each week and will have books sent home to match the level they are at.
Please remember to read at home four times a week to an adult. It is also really important that you record your reading in your reading record so your teacher can see how much you are reading at home. If you have read four times in a week, you will earn a raffle ticket for the reading raffle and have the chance to win a brand new book!
We will also visit the central library in Spring 1.
2RS will go on January 28th and 2LV will go on January 29th 2025.
Children have the opportunity to vote on class books they like to listen to and we will be reading short chapter books with them including..
As Writers, we will explore and write diamante poems. We will also use what we learn about The Great Fire of London to help us write our own letters about the events from the diary written by Samuel Pepys in 1666. Following on from this, we will use The Night Zookeeper stories as inspiration for our own mini-adventure stories and character descriptions. We will write a losing tale where the main character loses something precious and either has to find it to solve the problem or live with the consequences of losing it! We will also do lots of creative writing linked to the children’s interests.
We will continue to learn all the spelling as detailed in the Appendix below.
As Mathematicians, we will continue to deepen our understanding of the four calculations. We will learn how to add two two-digit numbers and how to subtract a two-digit number from another two-digit number. We will learn about how fractions are equal parts of a whole amount and how to solve problems involving fractions. We will also learn about measure and the various standard units of measurements that are used for measuring different things.
As Scientists, we will look closely at the world around us and the materials that we use. We will explore the properties of materials and think about how these properties are vital when making decisions about which materials to use for different purposes.
We will develop our investigative skills and conduct experiments that will help us to further understand the properties of different materials.
Geography and History
As Geographers, we will learn about hot and cold deserts. We will identify similarities and differences between two different type of desert—the Sahara and the Antarctic desert. We will then go on to explore the features of a hot desert and a cold desert, questioning why these have such features. As historians we will learn about the key events linked to the Great fire of London.
Please can children ensure that they read every day, access Numbots a few times a week. We will also send other bits of homework too at different points in the term.
Spellings will be sent out each Monday. Quizzes will take place each Monday as part of the RWI spelling programme. .
Reading books will be changed on Mondays as a minimum. Please ensure your child brings their book to school everyday, even if you haven't read at home. We will be reading in school everyday. If a child needs to quiz they need to let us know so we can facilitate the quiz.
The reading raffle will begin again this term. When your child reads at home, make a note of it in their reading record. If they read 4 times a week, your child will be entered into the reading raffle. At the end of the Autumn Term, a name will be drawn and they will win this term's raffle book.
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) and Numbots
To help your child with their times tables and number facts, your child has access to TTRS and Numbots. This is a web-based program that will help with number fact recall and times table facts. It is so much fun! If you need help with logging on, contact your child's class teacher and they will be able to help you.
PE sessions will be every Wednesday or Tuesday ( sometimes with Mr Taylor). Please ensure your child has their kit in school for this day. Every child has their own peg so they can keep their kit in school for the week/term should you wish.