
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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Assemblies/Collective Worship

At Salisbury Road Primary we believe that assemblies play an important role in the life of our school. Assemblies provide valuable time for the children to come together to share work and achievements, to mark festivals and celebrations from major world religions, or to listen to stories with a moral element. It is an opportunity to celebrate all aspects of school life to support our curriculum as well as providing an opportunity for stillness and reflection in what is often a very busy and active day for our children. 

Throughout the week we hold assemblies which have a different purpose. 


Weekly assemblies normally take the following format:





2 assemblies for YF to Y6 simultaneously


Year group assembly or class assembly


 Year group assembly or class assembly


Singing Assembly


2 ‘Celebration’ assemblies for YF to Y6 simultaneously


In our assemblies we give the children the opportunity to talk about their ideas and opinions linked to the key theme. Time is taken for feedback. To support the children with their discussion we use sentence stems. Clear routines have been set in place to help all children have meaningful and worthwhile conversations. 


On Monday our assemblies cover a range of themes linked to British Values, our school values, religious festivals and current news and events.


Year group and class assemblies are held on a Tuesday or Wednesday.  For theses assemblies we link them to our school values, British values and current news and events. 


Singing assemblies take place on a Thursday where the children sing a range of songs some of which are linked to upcoming events and themes.  


A celebration assembly is held on a Friday where rewards linked to our school values are given.  These rewards are also shared in the weekly newsletter. 


Once a term we have a Headteacher's assembly where awards are given.  Each class teacher selects one pupil to receive a Headteacher's certificate.  Trophies are also awarded to one child in  the following groups - key stage 1, lower key stage 2 (Year 3 and 4) and upper key stage 2 (year 5 ad 6)


As part of our curriculum, we have identified an inspirational person for each term in each curriculum subject. During assemblies on a Friday and  in year group assemblies the subject coordinator leads the assembly, sharing information about their inspirational person. 


Class Assemblies 

Each class is responsible for leading one assembly per year. Parents and Carers are invited to this assembly and we encourage them to attend, as this promotes the community spirit of the school and is a practical demonstration of the way the home and the schoolwork together to support the achievements of our children. Class assemblies take place on a Tuesday or Thursday. 

Right of withdrawal

Parents have a right to withdraw children from religious education and assemblies. However, the educational aims of religious education are quite separate from the role of the home and faith community in fostering the growth of faith.


We believe that children of different faith communities can learn from one another. We encourage the children to see themselves as part of the whole school community and to provide opportunities to reflect on the importance of matters of belief and ethics.


If you have any questions about our assemblies or religious education, please contact the school office to make an appointment to speak to Mrs Glover our RE Leader who will be happy to talk it through with you. 

School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 3 5 3 1 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
