
Salisbury Road Primary

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Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health awareness week. The children in school and at home will completing activities linked to this. We will also be asking all staff, children and parents too, to decorate a jigsaw piece which represents them and the things they enjoy. We would then like the children learning at home to display their jigsaw piece in a window. In these unusual times we would like families to still feel connected to us in school as although we are not all together we are still all part of the school community. We hope that you will join in and we look forward to looking out for the jigsaw pieces in windows near school. In these difficult times if you have concerns about your child and how they are being affected then please contact your child’s class teacher or a member of the pastoral team. #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek

School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 1 4 3 9 Visitors

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