
Salisbury Road Primary

Believe you can... Together we will

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  • Summer Reading Challenge

    Fri 22 May 2020

    Salisbury Road Readers we need you! We are excited to share our new Summer 2 reading challenge. We are passionate ...

  • Wilde by Eloise Williams

    Mon 18 May 2020

    We are thrilled to have the wonderful and inspiring children’s author Eloise Williams share an extract from her brand-new book ...

  • Plymouth Half Marathon News

    Mon 18 May 2020

    *** Plymouth schools half marathon challenge 2020*** Hi all, I just wanted to update you regarding the Plymouth schools half marathon ...

  • Video Library

    Wed 13 May 2020

    Good morning Salisbury Road. We have a growing collection of Maths and Phonics videos on our school website. We are adding ...

School Motto / Visitor Count

2 0 1 9 2 5 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
