
Salisbury Road Primary

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Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to Year 5 at Salisbury Road



Welcome back after the Christmas holidays  to the Spring term.  Below is a picture of the team that will be working with the children in Year 5. If ever you need to ask anything, please feel free to message us on Class Dojo or speak with the adult on the door who will pass on any messages. We will post regular updates and messages to keep you up to date. We are looking forward to a fantastic term of learning including our study of Victorian Plymouth.

Our class novel is ‘The Golden Horseman of Bagdad‘ by Saviour Pirotta if you are interested in buying your child a copy or borrowing one from the library. It is lovely for the children to be able to read along in class and links with our new History topics.



Meet the Year 5 Team

These are our values at Salisbury Road primary school

Underpinning all of our learning and time together are our school values. They are also linked to our Dojo rewards. We will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily and in assemblies. 


Our Values in term 3 and 4 are:

Aspiration and responsibility



Can I aspire to become better at something?

Can I  be responsible for my property and others? 

Can I aspire to be something?






In Maths, we will be revisiting key areas of learning in Year 4 and building on this with Year 5 learning. This term we will be focusing on, decimals, percentages. multiplying dividing  and fractions. 


We also ask that children spend time practising their times tables and using TTRS when at home for 15 minutes a day. We need to know all of our times tables and division facts so that we can apply them across the Maths curriculum. We will be monitoring their use of TTRS and your child will be awarded a raffle ticket for logging on 4x a week. A winning ticket will be drawn at the end of each term.



As Writers we will be learning how to write engaging and effective playscripts. We will also write and perform poems. In grammar, we will be learning about relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and creating cohesion between paragraphs. The children will continue to recap and learn more about SPAG and master different types of sentences from Alan Peat. In spelling, we will continue to use RWInc spelling scheme, and learn the rules for spelling and apply these in our writing.



Our Reading sessions will centre around focusing on the key skills of reading using the 'VIPERS' framework. We will use a range of texts linked to our topics and concentrate on our Year 5 target which is to make inferences about a text and justify our ideas using evidence from the text. We will also be running a class reading raffle, if your child reads four times a week and their diary is signed by you, they will receive a raffle ticket to win a book! Our class novel is ‘Golden Horsman of Bagdad‘, we will reading this daily with the children. 



Other curriculum areas

In Science the children will be studying Eatrh and space .  In ICT, we will be learning how to programe micro:bits . In RE, our question is What does it mean if God is holy and loving? In History,  we are studying Early Islamic Civilisation . In DT, we will create, design and make our own savoury scones.


Other information

PE lessons are currently on a Tuesday (5RM) and Thursday (5MT) and other sessions will happen so please have PE kit in all week. Homework will be sent out on a Tuesday either on Teams or a paper copy and need to be in the following Monday. Reading their AR books will be really important and quizzes can be done throughout the day at a convenient time. 



Any questions please contact us via Dojo or email.

School Motto / Visitor Count

1 9 6 6 7 8 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
