
Salisbury Road Primary

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Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Spring Term 2024  

Welcome back Year 3. We are all really excited to be working with your children this term. Below is a picture of the team that will be working with the children in Year 3. If you need any help, or have any questions please message us on class dojo and we will get back to you as it can be very busy at the end of the day. We will also post regular messages and updates on dojo so do keep checking. Our main topic this term will be 'How the Romans impacted Britain today' The children will investigate life in Roman times and how their inventions have impacted our lives. Our class novel will be ' The accidental Prime Minister' Towards the end of this term we will also visit Waterstones to spend time with an author. 


The Year 3 Teachers and Teaching Assistants are all looking  forward to welcoming you back and supporting you:


This term, 

  • Mrs Bloodworth will teach in 3KB 
  • Miss Vasilionka will be teaching 3LV on a Monday ,Thursday and Friday 
  • Mr Jarvie will work in 3LV on a Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Our Year 3 Teaching Assistants this term are  Mrs Whitehead , Mrs Gordon, Miss Phippen and Miss James will also work in Year 3 for parts of the week. 



Underpinning all of our learning and time together are our school values. They are also linked to our Class Dojo rewards. We will learn about and celebrate examples of each value daily.





Our key questions are:

What does responsibility mean to me?

How can I work with others to be responsible?




As Writers, we will start the term looking at performing playscripts before looking at persuasive writing and then historical fiction based on the Romans.  We will look at how characters behave, how settingsinfluence the story and how vocabulary allows the reader to hook the story in the past.  Throughout all our writing, we will focus on accurate punctuation including the correct punctuation of speech.  We will continue to extend our ideas using a range of conjunctions as well as developing our application of a wide range fronted adverbials.  Most importantly, handwriting, spelling and presentation of our ideas will be at the forefront of all we do.




Reading is a priority at Salisbury Road, therefore we will be practising our reading skills 4x a week using VIPERS to help us. In the classroom, we will use a mixture of choral, echo and partner reading, this will enable us to become confident, fluent readers.


Please remember to read at home four times a week to an adult. It is also really important that you record your reading in your reading record so your teacher can see how much you are reading at home. If you have read four times in a week, you will earn a raffle ticket for the reading raffle and have the chance to win a brand new book!


We will also celebrate World Book day on March 7th. 





As Mathematicians, we will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication and division by using the multiplication tables that we know to calculate mentally and then progressing to formal written methods to calculate problems involving two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers. We will also be learning about fractions. We will also learn to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole. We will revise strategies for addition and subtraction. Children will consolidate their understanding of money and relate it to real life.





As Scientists, we will be learning about ‘animals including humans’.  We will learn to identify that      animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food like plants but that they get nutrition from what they eat. We will research food groups and  compare and contrast the diets of animals and group them according to what they eat. We will identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. We will also learn to identify groups of animals - with or without skeletons, movement types, exploring each others ideas of what would happen if we did not have a skeleton.





As Historians, we will be exploring the concepts of empire, civilisation, conflict, power, democracy and invasion through the study of the Romans.  By asking the question  - What did the Romans do for Britain? We will identify how the city of Rome formed  how the Roman Empire become so powerful.  We will explore how the Romans conquered Britain and how this had an impact on the daily life of the native Britons.  We will find out who Boudicca was and why, following such success did Roman rule Britain come to an end?




As Computer Programmers, we will learn to write and send emails responsibly. We will continue to explore ways to stay safe online and as a school we will take part in ‘Safer Internet Day 2023’ In Spring 2 we will journey inside the computer and learn more.




As Musicians, we will be learning about rhythm including duration and pulse.  We will continue to develop our singing voices through a range of new and known songs.




As Athletes and Gymnasts, we will continue to work on the three core skills of agility, balance and co-ordination.  In Games we will develop our confidence in using ball skills in various ways, and explore ways that these can be linked together.

In gymnastics we will be exploring turns whilst developing our ability to travel in a variety of ways.




As Linguists, we will listen to and understand single words in Spanish through the topics of family, numbers and colours, home and Easter.  We will say, read and write simple familiar words to describe people, places, things and actions using a model while developing strategies for memorising new vocabulary.




As Philosophers, we will consider our dreams and goals, identifying barriers and identifying ways that we can overcome challenges to achieve.

 In RE, we will ask the questions  ‘How do    festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?


ART and DT

As Artists and Designers, we will be using historical artefacts to create our own art work. We will explore how the Romans used pattern to create their vast floor mosaics and then design and make our own versions. We will create healthy pizzas in DT.



Spellings will be given out on a Monday ready for a test on the following Monday. These words will be linked to the Year 3 spelling patterns in our Read Write Inc. daily spelling lessons as well as the year 3/4 NC required word lists. We will have a focus on recapping previous spellings and spellings from year 2 to help close gaps. Links for spellings can be found in the website links part of the page 



We are trying really hard this year to learn our times tables. We have a daily session where we practice. To support our learning of these tables in school, we would love you to have fun using TTRS at home; the children love it in school! The children have all been given their individual login. 

Please don't forget to keep practising your times tables - these are VERY important!

Challenge yourself to beat your classmates on TTRS.



Homework is set on a Tuesday to be returned on the following Monday. This maybe through teams, paper copies or a project. Children should also continue to use TTRS to help with  learning their times table, practise their spellings and read as often as possible.

School Motto / Visitor Count

1 9 6 6 7 8 Visitors

Welcome to Salisbury Road Primary
